Hurricane preparedness and kits are a necessity for men and women that reside in areas which are prone to hurricanes, particularly now that category four and five hurricanes are becoming more prevalent as a result of global warming. Actually, households in areas where hurricane rarely pass should also prepare because of the erratic behaviour of hurricanes in the past few years.
According to government officials, hurricane emergency kits and the people’s preparedness are the keys to surviving the hurricane season. The Massive loss of properties and Lives from hurricanes Katrina and Rita have made a great deal of individuals understand that planning is as vital as having hurricane preparedness and kits.
Before the hurricane season begins, everybody who lives in places which are usually struck by storms should already do home repairs if needed. Roofs, windows, ceilings, basements or cellars should be checked for leaks, cracks and anything which could make your home more vulnerable to strong winds and rain due to hurricanes. Additionally it is necessary that each home should have some type of action plan for when the storm strikes. Particular plans should also be set up for members of your family that are older, very young, or disabled.
Hurricane preparedness and kits should include basic necessities, such as many gallons of fresh drinking water and non-perishable food. But you must regularly check the meals and change the water in your hurricane emergency kits each six months.
Your kits would not be of any help if they contain water and food supply that is stale or expired. Since there will undoubtedly be power outage or unavailability of gas, you also need to have flashlights, candles, transistor radio and waterproof matches on your kits during survivalism. It would be better if the flashlight and the transistor radio which you use are hand cranked so that you do not have to consider buying batteries.
There is a large chance that your home would not survive the hurricane, so you ought to remember to include important files as part of your emergency kits. Just be certain you put important papers inside watertight document storage bags.
You also need to incorporate into your hurricane emergency kits tools such as shovels, axes and machetes that will assist you collect wood for cooking or help your family get out in case you are trapped inside your dwelling.
When you have got no clue what other items to have in your hurricane preparedness and kits, you can click on those kits on our home page. Finally, pack some clothes, blankets, personal hygiene and sanitation implements, medicine and other essential items your family needs. For those who have pets, small children or older folks living with you, include items that they will need